Micro processing

  • A drawing of a fish on paper was scanned into a computer, manually outlined, and then used to create an electrode.

  • Minimum groove width: 0.3 mm, depth: 0.3 mm. (Material: STAVAX).
  • Engraving on 6Φ button battery. Characters with a height and width of 0.45 mm, a 20° taper with a tip diameter of 0.04Φ. (Material: tungsten carbide)
  • Convex lettering electrode. Character's height and width: 2 mm, tip thickness: 0.1 mm, depth: 0.5 mm. (Material: tungsten-copper Φ10.5)
  • Recycling mark engraving. Character's height and width: 0.538 mm.
  • Nested direct engraving of cautionary notes for mobile phone chargers. A 20° taper with a tip diameter of 0.1Φ is used. (Material: NAK80)
  • Variable rib thickness from 0.205mm to 0.433mm. The central round rib has a diameter of 0.433 mm. Depth: 5 mm. (Material: tungsten-copper Φ10.5)
  • Engraving of characters on 0.492Φ ultra-fine pins. Character height: 0.31 mm, depth: 0.04 mm. A 25° tapered tip with a diameter of 0.06Φ was used. (Material: SKH51, HRC60)
Diamond-cut engraving

  • Diamond-cut engravings are difficult to achieve exactly as designed, requiring multiple adjustments during the engraving process.