We specialize in processing high-hardness materials, high-precision engraving, and curved surface engraving.

  • Carbide engraving
  • Carbide mold parts processing
  • Fine engraving on hardened molds, character engraving
  • Engraving of tiny characters measuring 0.3 mm in height
  • Fine cutting process using a Φ0.2 end mill
  • It is possible to process up to a tip diameter of Φ0.04 with a tapered blade
  • Processing while rotating a cylinder with 4-axis rotary machining
  • Engraving of characters and letters on free-form and cylindrical surfaces
570-0075 Osaka, Moriguchi City, Beniyacho 7-2
(Keihan Main Line, in front of Takii station)
 ☎  06-6991-0234
Fax 06-6991-0288